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Since most of our modern lifestyles contain processed food, stress, and pollution, increased acidity in our bodies is quite common. This, in turn, forces your organs to work harder, thus causing serious health problems. Maintaining normal and balanced alkaline levels can surely reverse this effect.
The Ume Plum Ball balls are made with natural Ume and contain 50 times more alkaline a host of minerals including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, and calcium.
Not only does in increase the alkaline levels in your body but also optimize your digestion and regulates blood circulation.
- By maintaining natural pH levels, it improves cell health and normal body weight
- The smooth capsule is easy to swallow with water or a beverage
- Natural Polyphenol eliminates cellular toxins and provides anti-oxidant benefits for maximum immunity, improved skin, and overall health
5 Main Health Benefits:
1. Supports Overall Wellness: Helps maintain balance in the body's pH levels and supports healthy digestion
2. Promotes Cleansing and Purification: Supports the body's natural detoxification processes, promoting a healthy stomach, blood, and liver function
3. Antimicrobial Support: Contains properties that may help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria
4. Enhances Skin Health: Supports skin health by reducing breakouts and promoting a clear complexion
5. Supports Energy and Vitality: Helps improve energy levels naturally, promoting a sense of vitality and well-being
Product Details
Over a century of plum study have finally made it possible for us to successfully extract polyphenols from plum Concentrate. Polyphenol is a substance that has become more popular in recent years due to its ability to neutralize free radicals in the body. When consumed, it functions as an antioxidant that helps maintain good health. Experience the miracles of polyphenol through the greatest form of plum concentrate, the new Ume Plum Ball. It is extremely effective for people of all ages.
How is Umeken Plum Ball made?
100% made in Japan. Umeken plum extract is made by compressing unripe, hard plums with a compressor to press out the juice. The liquid is then boiled in high heat until it reaches a certain concentration level. Then it is boiled in low heat for 3 days. It’s a tedious process, but it produces a plum extract that is 50x its concentration!
Japanese Plum fruit concentrate and Mountain Yam Tuber powder
Other Ingredients: Sweet Potato Powder, Corn starch, Citrus Fiber, and Oyster Shell
The Benefits of our Plum Extract
- Ume Plum Ball contains citric acid (which helps to relieve fatigue) and polyphenol (which is known for its anti-aging effects).
- The fermentation process creates chemical properties that fight against the unhealthy aging of arteries, atherosclerosis, and aids in preventing blood clots. Ume Plum Ball assists the stomach and intestinal functions, digestion, and can be taken for indigestion or gastrointestinal disorders.
- Helps to make the more body alkaline. Due to its anti-bacterial properties, it helps purify the toxins found in water, food, or blood.
- Mumefural, which appears when producing Japanese plum concentrate, prevents aging of the blood vessels, hardening of the arteries and blood clots.
- Promotes transport of food and waste products in the stomach and intestines, raises digestive absorption, and alleviates digestion difficulties and other stomach ailments.
- Improves physical constitution as an alkali food and neutralizes toxins in the blood, water, and food.
Ume Plum Ball is a milestone in plum concentrate research and development
Plum concentrate was first used 1,300 years ago for medicinal purposes during the Edo era of Japan. Umeken, a company already well-known for its plum concentrate products, has made history by successfully extracting the polyphenol antioxidant from plums and developing a new product line. Polyphenol antioxidant is only found in plants, and it has been receiving a lot of attention in recent years because of its promising health benefits.
Extracting polyphenol from plum concentrate is the greatest revolution in the history of traditional plum use since the ancient Chinese started baking and consuming unripe plum. It is the most astonishing discovery since ‘mumefural’, a citric acid derivative that helps with blood fluidity. Just as ginseng produces saponin when made into red ginseng and thus becomes more valuable, plum concentrate has always been popular because of the mumefural it produces during the concentration phase. Now with extra polyphenol, plum concentrate will gain more popularity from people all over the world.
Ume Plum Ball now also contains polyphenol extracted from Hokkaido’s Kuma bamboo and grape extract to increase the antioxidant level. The all-natural polyphenol in Ume Powerball neutralizes reactive oxidation agents and helps support anti-aging. Enjoy the wonders of plum with Ume Powerball, the most powerful plum concentrate.
Restores Energy
Lactic acid build-up in the body causes fatigue, muscle cramps and a variety of other conditions. Citric acid in Ume breaks down lactic acid that is produced in the body when our bodies convert food to energy. The citric and organic acids are catalysts in the cellular cycle of energy production, storage, and release.
Strengthens Digestive System
Ume contains catechin acid which kills germs in the intestines, speeds up intestinal peristalsis and acts as a laxative. This triple action maintains a healthy digestive system. Ume is also excellent for deworming and relieving flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea and food poisoning.
Improves Liver Function
Ume contains picric acid which helps the liver to efficiently neutralize toxins and contributes to overall well-being.
The Healing Powers Of Umeboshi
Rich in organic acids and minerals, Ume is ideal for maintaining the body in peak condition. Lactic acid is produced when the body burns food for energy. Citric acid breaks down lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water to be expelled from the body. Illness, drugs, poor eating habits, food additives and excessive consumption of meat and sugar can result in over-production of lactic acid and not enough citric acid to break it down. The build-up of lactic acid causes fatigue and muscle cramps. Metabolic activity also turns sluggish, causing inefficient conversion of food into energy and aging of cells. Ume’s high content of citric acid breaks down lactic acid and improves metabolism. Its high level of phosphoric acid also helps to improve metabolism and prevent aging of cells.
Guards Against Acidity In The Blood
Blood can become acidic due to a build-up of lactic acid and other acids from a meaty diet. This causes headaches, insomnia and irritability, and contributes to chronic ailments such as arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, liver diseases and cancer.
Strengthens Immune System
Ume boosts the body’s natural healing power and improves resistance to common viral infections such as colds, coughs and sore throat. It contains benzoaldehyde which relieves fever and pain.
Rich In Calcium, Iron And Phosphorus
Pregnant women, growing children, the elderly and people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism need extra calcium and phosphorus. Those who arc anemic and women in general need extra iron. Ume is a rich, natural source.
Promotes Absorption Of Calcium and Iron In Pregnant Women
Ume’s high content of citric acid increases the absorption of calcium and iron. It is ideal for the pregnant woman and her growing fetus.
Citric acid is known to aid with fatigue recovery
Lemons may first come to mind when we think of citric acid, but plum extract contains over 58% more citric acid, along with other organic acids to boosts energy, aid digestion, act as a natural anti-biotic, heighten liver function, and stimulate intestine activity to reduce inflammation or diarrhoea.
Dosage + Info
Contain 450 chewable balls in a glass bottle
For optimum health, take 10-20 balls daily.
Can be taken any time of the day.
Customer Reviews
I’ve suffered from bad skin and allergies almost all my life till I started to use Bio-15. It was incredible as not only did I improve my digestion, my skin started to look radiant and I use less moisturisers during the night. My allergies improved dramatically and I feel a lot healthier now!
Tiffany Lim, 38yrs, Sales
I’m a former athlete and I still do my regular exercise. However, over the years as I got older, it has been getting harder as I easily get tired. I also have bad bowel movements and indigestion. My son introduced Bio15 to me several years back. It was slow initially, but after a few months, I started to have better digestion. My stamina improved and I was able to continue with my exercise.
Peter Loh, 71yrs, Retired
I had very bad Eczema since I was a teenager and have spent thousands trying to find a cure for it over the years. My doctor friend introduced Bio15 to me and after using it for 3 months, the itching started to stop. Now, it has disappeared. My entire family is on it now including my daughter’s family. It is a very good product.
Tan Cheng Bok, 55 yrs, Retired
My family has always had a problem with Eczema and allergies. We’ve tried numerous remedies from Western drugs to Chinese Herbs but got little results from it all. About 5 years back, our neighbour brought us a box of Bio15. It was perhaps the best “gift” they had given us. My kids and i have since enjoyed better skin and completion and I do recommend to anyone to try this product. I’ve always been a stickler on all things organic and natural and Bio15 fits the bill on all count!
Mrs Barker, 48 yrs, Housewife
Hong Kong
I work in a very stressful environment and have long hours and very bad diet. My good friend introduced Bio15 to me about a year ago. He was right, I use to have very bad stomach problems and was tired a lot of times. Now, my stomach problems are gone and I have been feeling less tired and I have not fallen sick since. It has improved my health a lot.
Adi Widjaya, 27 yrs, Professional Executive
I have bad digestion since I was a boy and this made me have bad allergies. After I consumed Bio15 my digestion and allergies improved. It has also given me more energy when I go to work.
Mr Thanasukolwit, 41 yrs, Manager
My husband had a heart operation several years ago and after that he complained of tiredness and fell sick very easily. After I introduced him Bio15, his appetite improved and gained more energy.
Mdm Ayub, 52 yrs, Housewife
I used Bio15 when I was pregnant and now my children are on it. It is a very good product and it has kept my family very healthy. I used to have to go to the doctors quite often when I was younger but now I noticed my health has improved.
Tomiko Ayumi, 29 yrs, Housewife
Japan – living in Singapore
This product has improved my overall health greatly. I used to feel tired and lethargic a lot but now, I am already 60 and am enjoying my daily Tai Chi and Lion dance with my husband!
Mdm Tan, 60 yrs, Housewife
Made in japan
A trusted name for many Japanese and Asia households worldwide.
Extensive Awards & Accolades
Award for Achievement & Supplier for the Imperial Household of Japan. GMP, Organic, JAS and Safety Certifications.
The Gold Standard of naturally fermented Probiotics - BIOGenics MD Gold Edition