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Digestive Enzymes - Are They Really Important to Our Body?

Enzymes are catalysts, small molecules that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but are known to "speed up" the metabolic processes in our body. These molecules facilitate the absorption of nutrients, but also regulate various chemical reactions in our body.

From the moment food enters our mouth, there are already enzymes at work. For example, salivary amylase is the first to act and begin to break down food as soon as saliva meets it. As the food descends into our digestive tract, several different enzymes are added to improve the entire process of food absorption.

The goal is for the nutrients that reach our small intestine (where most of the nutrients are absorbed) to be easily absorbed so that we can take in the best properties and effects from each of the things we eat, rather than just "energy".

Do I need to take Digestive Enzymes Supplements?

Many of the common digestive symptoms can be related to digestive enzyme deficits or disorders, especially since today's society is constantly on the move and we often self-medicate or drink certain beverages just to speed up our metabolism or solve our problems quickly. However, this may be the origin of an enzyme disorder.

For example, if you suffer from bloating (you feel that you have too much gas build-up), if you feel full with little food (and used to fill up with much more) or if you feel heavy or see that there is undigested food in your stool. These can all be signs that you have an enzyme disorder.

It seems more likely now than if you have some enzyme deficit, right? In fact, digestive enzymes can work in several different cases, and we're going to prove it to you through several scientific studies that back up our words.

1. If You're Stressed Out

When you're stressed, your gastrointestinal tract goes crazy. Acid release and bowel movement increases, it's as if your body goes into a "fight" or "flight" mode, a classic reaction we had thousands of years ago in order to safeguard ourselves from predators.

However, we are in a totally different world where we no longer need to run from any predator. Things are calmer now - although not entirely.

Digestive enzymes have been shown to regulate our stress1 by modulating certain adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for processing hormonal stimuli (which they do release under stress). Regulating these hormones can mean a clear reduction in stress levels.

2. Food allergies?

One of the classic human allergies is to cow's milk protein, the famous "lactose intolerance". The problem in this disorder is that certain humans do not have an enzyme capable of digesting and splitting lactose, so this complex protein lingers in the intestine and causes diarrhea and other complications.

Supplementation with digestive enzymes can help with this defect and improve your situation2. In fact, many pharmaceutical companies specifically sell the enzymes needed to enable you to digest milk or any of its derivatives normally.

On the other hand, food allergies are not only summarized in lactose intolerance. There are many types of enzyme deficiencies that can affect us and cause various allergies. It should be mentioned that states of hypersensitivity (where allergic reactions are more likely to occur) decrease the activity and quantity of digestive enzymes.

Our body is in a constant struggle to find a balance, and this is very delicate. For this reason, supplementation with digestive enzymes can improve many allergic states and the various manifestations resulting from these major alterations. Supplementation with these molecules is something we should consider.

3. Malnutrition

If you're not eating properly, you may need digestive enzymes. Altered nutrition can cause serious disorders in the way our digestive system works.

Do you know how your body works when it goes into energy deficit? At first, we take all the carbohydrate reserves in our body, but then we start to lose fat and protein. Enzymes are protein molecules, so our body starts using them to maintain vital functions and does not pay attention to digestion.

This may sound a bit extreme, but an unhealthy lifestyle (such as people who live their daily lives to the fullest or under great stress) can lead to malnutrition. It's not that you don't eat, but that you don't eat properly.

Many studies3 have highlighted the importance of nutrition and how it affects digestive enzymes, especially those at the top (such as salivary amylase). They are all critical to maintaining proper absorption of nutrients, so you may need supplements.

4. The Golden Age

Aging may also be a major reason for you to start taking digestive enzyme supplements. There are two basic things that happen when we reach the golden age: we start losing water (like crazy) and protein. This is the cause of atrophy in the skin, but also in the muscles; over 60% of our muscle mass is lost by the time we reach 70.

Enzymes, as mentioned above, are protein molecules and the mechanism is the same: the more proteins we lose, the more proteins we need. Therefore, our body begins to use the proteins it has available and degrades the enzymes to do so4. For this reason, you may need digestive enzymes to help you continue with your day-to-day life.

Final Thoughts

Digestive enzymes can make a big difference in your life. Because we understand that, we have created a product with the necessary molecules so that you can improve your life and your health, even when you reach your golden years. We're talking about JB Koso Ball, a supplement derived from fruits, vegetables and berries for your proper nutrition, but also with the enzyme load you need. 


  1. Shepotinovskii V., Rogozniaia A., Mikashinovich I. (1989). [Digestive enzyme activity during immobilization stress and its pharmacologic correction with adrenoblockaders]. Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter. 6: 49-52. Retrieved from PubMed
  2. Eva U., Erika J. (2008). The role of protein digestibility and antacids on food allergy outcomes. J Clin Allergy Inmmunol. 121: 1301-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2008.04.025
  3. Rana S. Gupta D., Katyal R., Singh K. (2009). Effect of malnutrition on the digestive enzymes of the upper gastrointestinal tract of young rhesus monkeys. Trop Gastroenterol. 24:22-4. Retrieved from PubMed
  4. Russel M. (1992). Changes in gastrointestinal function attributed to aging. Am J Clin Nutr. 55: 1203-1207. DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/55.6.1203S
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